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Train Smart
1:1 Dog Training

It's not easy when our dogs behaviour is affecting day to day life with them, especially when this impacts your relationship with your dog.


Do you find yourself getting frustration, stressed or anxious about your dogs behaviour? Or you feel like you're constantly telling them off and micro managing them? 

Whether this is your first dog and you have very little experience, or you've had dogs for a long time but are running into some barriers, Megan can help you. 

Megan will help you to understand your dog, help you learn how to teach your dog behaviours you want to see more of, and build confidence and control in a kind and empathetic way. 

Boxer Dog
Springer Spaniel in water

Train Smart Packages

Your premium support package offers you unlimited guidance and support during our time working together. This enables you to ask me questions at any time and trouble shoot in between sessions, to make the most progress. 


Training new behaviours and working out how to get past strong established unwanted habits takes time, patience, commitment and empathy. For this reason it's not often I recommend a one off session unless you just want an assessment of your dog and few tips here and there. Instead, packages where we work together over multiple sessions allows for more time to make really solid progress. 

What you get

Training Packages

  • 1 x initial consultation to discuss your struggles, get details of your dogs history and current situation, set goals, and provide foundations before training

  • Choose from either 1 or 3 follow up coaching/training sessions

  • Notes after each session tailored to your individual dog and goals

  • Access to a private coaching hub with training videos for guidance alongside your training

  • Unlimited Support from me via WhatsApp

Do you offer one off sessions?

If you are just looking for an assessment of your dog, and a few tips to go forward yourself without committing to a package, then a one off session will give you:

  • 1 x 2 hour in person combined consultation and coaching/training session

  • Notes after the session tailored to your dog with private videos to help with training

  • Unlimited support and feedback from me via WhatsApp for 2 weeks after your session.

Megan's in depth knowledge of dog behaviour and ability to teach us to pick up on the subtlest cues from Isla has been invaluable. Megan has been great at providing us with methods to help Isla cope, with many training tips and reassuring us after inevitable set backs! After our first session, through the progress we had made with Megan’s help, we were able to meet up with Megan and her dog Jacob. By the end of the session Megan had both Isla and Jacob sat at her feet, tossing treats for them in turn. This is something we thought we would never be able to do; to get from Isla lunging and barking at every dog to happily walking with another dog was amazing, and we wouldn’t have been able to do it without Megan’s assistance. 

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