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Meet Megan

Like a lot of trainers, I got into the profession because initially I needed help with my own dog (Jaffa, the Springer in the photo). She is my soul dog, and our journey has been full of learning curves, the mega highs and the inevitable lows. Seeing the difference in Jaffa over the years after starting to understand her needs and meet them, learning how to use positive reinforcement to not only build awesome skills, but to really develop her confidence and help her navigate the world she would struggle with. She's always going to be a sensitive soul, and it's understanding that I didn't need to change that part of her (nor could I), but instead look at all the things I could do for her to build the best relationship possible. 

cockapoo and springer spaniel scottish hills

Then along came Jacob when Jaffa was 3 years old, and that's when it all finally came into place that I wanted to somehow study or work with dogs. Jacob is the dog that may be show cased more for training and videos, because his love for working with an extra level of boost and confidence is where I learnt a lot of my practical skills and mechanics. Give him a task and clear criteria and he won't let you down. 

Over the past 7 years, I've been on a mission to learn as much as possible, and figure out where my strengths and weaknesses lie, and where I can help people the most. I have a level 5 Diploma in Canine Behaviour, and I am qualified through 2 organisations for Scent Detection. Learning never stops, and no one can claim to know everything, so I will usually always be enrolled on a course that will be expanding my knowledge on aspects of dog behaviour, training, or scentwork. 

The one consistent element I have noticed, whether it's working with puppies, training and behaviour cases, or guiding people through scent detection activities; is the relationship between the dog and their human. If there is a disconnect, or mis trust, or just a lack of enjoyment in the process; this will always affect the training people want to achieve. A solid relationship; based on consistency, clarity, trust, meeting needs, respecting boundaries (and by this I also mean your dogs boundaries too, not forcing them into situations they don't want to be in), and HAVING FUN. If there is a link broken somewhere, this will always affect your ability to progress in whatever it is you are looking to achieve. 

Relationship Centered Training is based on my belief that relationship has to come first. You can still work towards your training goals of course, but without working on your relationship there will always be a missing puzzle piece. The reason I always say "Happy Training" at the end of my videos, is because if you're not having fun and neither of you are happy, then you're doing it all wrong. 

The non dog side of me

As well as loving everything dog wise...I occasionally like to do non-dog related things. Some of my hobbies include mountain biking, walking/hiking, playing the guitar (badly), and I love a good pizza and games night! I also have the most amazing and supportive wife who thankfully is also dog obsessed! 

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