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Why is my dog doing this?

I wish the answer was simple, if we could ask them ourselves wouldn't that be great! But it's often more complex than just a simple statement. So let's look at it from the beginning.

One of the first things I look at with any training or behaviour case is the dogs day to day life and where things may be getting missed. I would say a good amount of cases can be improved pretty quickly by identifying areas where the dog's fundamental needs are not being met, and changing that. - notice i didn't say fixed, i said improved.

I'm not talking about basic welfare needs, I have never yet been to see anyone that isn't providing their dog with water, food, shelter, some form of exercise, comfort, social interaction etc. But there is so much more to it than that, and each dog is slightly different as to what and how much they need to be fulfilled.

The next thing I look at is all of the before stuff...the things that have happened up to this moment (or up to the moment the problems started). These could be distant (influences in the litter, early learning with you) or they could be more in the recent past (over stimulation, not enough rest, recent acute pain).

Take a look at this brief spider diagram of what needs looked at when it comes to every dog and their behaviour.

And these are just some of the influences....

It might seem overwhelming, but this is the reality we face when it comes to our dogs behaviour and the possible influences.

Example 1: You might have be meeting your dogs physical and mental needs, have a fantastic relationship, a solid training history, amazing breeding and genetics....but the chronic pain issue they live with is causing them difficulties in coping in certain environments.

Example 2: Your dog may be in perfect health, have great genes for temperament, have had good socialising and rarely been in any negative situations...but isn't getting their mental and physical needs met because of lack of time to give to the dog, and they are causing havoc and becoming more and more stressed as they don't get what they need in life.

Dog training and behaviour is a journey, sometimes a very complex journey that takes a lot of energy from all parties. But this is something you can look at and really ask yourself what could possibly be influencing my dogs behaviour is there things I can realistically change to help my dog.

Until next time :)

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