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Terms and Conditions

Please be aware that by booking a service you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. 


1:1 Packages​

When booking packages we have agreed on a specific amount of sessions in that package which cannot be changed or refunded. Sessions however can be rearranged as long as more than 48 hours notice has been given. If a session is cancelled within 48 hours of meeting without discussion this won't be transferable and you will lose that session from the package. For bad weather, sessions can be moved indoors to your home if appropriate to the training, if not then sessions will be rearranged to a time that suits. 


For best results, packages should be completed within 6 weeks (for packages of 4), or 3 weeks (for packages of 2). There may be exceptions to this but this is the aim. 


Unlimited support via WhatsApp

During the time we are working together, you have unlimited access to support from me via WhatsApp, which allows for accountability of training for feedback, and any questions or struggles you are having. Please note there may be some things that I won't be able to cover over WhatsApp and this will be noted down for future sessions. There may be occasions that I am away on holiday and won't be able to reply straight away. Please also note that my admin times for replying to WhatsApp is primarily in the morning so this will usually be the time that you will receive my responses, messages after 11am won't always be answered until the next day. 


Classes and Workshops - refund policy

If more than 14 days notice is given, I will offer you an option of a refund or to be moved onto another class/workshop date of your choosing, if you choose a refund this will be - 10% admin fee. If less than 14 days notice is given I will only offer a refund (minus admin fee), or to move you to an alternative date if I am able to fill your space. It's advisable for you to also advertise your space to see if you can fill it as with short notice I may not always be able to fill the space. 


Training together

When working together we are part of a team, and you will get the most benefit from being an active participant in the training and asking questions and having discussions with me. No trainer can claim to know everything, and I will be open and honest If I don't know the answer I will do my best to find out. You understand and agree that training takes time and commitment, and that some things would be unethical to change and there will be management involved in the process somewhere. I would ask that you avoid comparing your situation to others on social media platforms (tik tok etc) due to the nature of this being "quick fixes" to get you hooked and not based on real life with a dog. If you have seen things you want to try, please ask for my opinions and I will give open and honest feedback. If something is going to help, I don't care that it didn't come from me and I will be happy to support you; but if it's going to hinder our work together I will advise against it. 


Training methods and techniques

Dogs should always be treated as individuals, and no training is a one size fits all situation. There are things I do with my confident dog that I wouldn't do with my sensitive dog and vice versa. So training will be altered to your dog. I make it very clear that my focus is relationship centred training. I will not use methods which scare, intimidate or bully your dog into conforming just for the purposes of training - it's not necessary and we have evolved well past the need to do this. I will use kind, fun, engaging techniques to create solid foundations of training with your dog. 



There are none. No one can offer a guarantee on a living, breathing, sentient being. There are an indescribable amount of factors that affect our dogs behaviour day to day, and to guaruntee a specific time limit on the goals you have, or to have set in stone goals with no flexibility would be harmful to everyone. I will always have yours and your dogs best interest in mind, and will do everything I can to help you towards your goals and create a strong relationship. 


Your dog, your responsibility 

Before, during and after working together - your dog is your responsibility. I am not liable for your dogs behaviour or any damages or injuries that may happen as a result of their behaviour. If at any point I feel that your dogs behaviour is beyond my capabilities to work with, we will discuss this openly and I will refund any unused sessions and refer you to a behaviourist to work with. Please note I will also advice many of my cases to discuss the dogs behaviour with their vet, due to behaviour and health being closely linked.


Photos and videos

Unless specifically requested against, photos or videos of your dogs might be used for business/social media purposes. 

You will receive access to my private video hub and handouts to go alongside the work we do together. These are private and I ask that you respect the time it has taken for me to provide these videos for your benefit and not to share them with others. It is after all part of the service that you pay for. 


Aggression and bite history

If your dog has shown aggressive behaviour towards other dogs or people and has a bite history, this must be disclosed to me prior to any 1:1 or group classes you book onto. It's likely I will refer you onto a clinical animal behaviourist for working with a dog with a bite history so please contact me to discuss this. I reserve the right to stop any session or withdraw your dog from class if I see any behaviour that will result in potential injury to others. 


Data protection

In accordance with GDPR I need your permission for taking any photos/videos of you and your dog, and keeping your information on file. By booking a service and agreeing to the terms and conditions you are giving me permission for this. At any point you can ask for your information to be removed, please contact me to do so. If you do not wish any photos or videos of your dogs to be taken please let me know prior to our sessions/classes. 

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